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Selected Industry Reports, Plans, and Permit Applications


Author or Co-Author of Alaska Gasline Development Corporation (AGDC) Reports, Plans, and Permits


Alaska LNG

  • Revegetation Plan (developed in conjunction w/ ADNR Plant Materials Center)

  • Analysis of Engineering Design Alternatives, Right-of-Way Width, and Construction Modes in Wetlands

  • Segregation of the Surface Layer (White Paper - construction techniques through varying permafrost vegetation & restoration)

  • Clean Water Act Sec. 404/ RHA Sec. 10 Permit Application to USACE

  • Petition for Incidental Take Regulations for Construction of the Alaska LNG Project in Cook Inlet, Alaska (NMFS & USFWS)

  • Incidental Harassment Authorization Application – Prudhoe Bay (NMFS)

  • Comparative Belowground Designs and Revegetation Efforts in Northern and Interior Alaska

  • Belowground Pipeline Mode: Selection, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance on Alaska’s North Slope

  • ADNR Cross Country Travel Permit Application and Final Report

  • FERC Resource Report contributor (Drafts 2 / 3)

  • 401 WQ Certification Application – Antidegradation Analysis

  • Eagle take permit application

Author of ExxonMobil – Point Thomson Reports and Permit Applications

  • Monthly Analytical Drinking Water Quality Reports to ADEC.

  • Monthly Analytical NetDMR Wastewater Discharge Monitoring Reports to EPA / ADEC.

  • Quarterly Water Use Reports to ADNR DMLW.

  • Quarterly and Annual Underground Injection Control (UIC) well reports to EPA and AOGCC.

  • Drinking Water, Wastewater, and Waste Updated Checklists.

  • Annual Tundra Travel Completion Reports to ADNR and NSB.

  • Annual Gravel Mine Site Completion Report to ADNR.

  • APDES / UIC Notices for Administrative Extension & Coverage under General Permits to ADEC.

  • Biannual Lease Operations / North Slope (LONS) reports to ADNR DOG.


Senior Reviewer of ExxonMobil– Point Thomson Consultant Reports

  • Multi-year Caribou Monitoring Report to NSB.

  • Marine Fisheries Characterization Report using traditional capture and eDNA methods to NSB.

  • Point Thomson Mine Site Rehabilitation Annual Report to ADNR DMLW. 


Alaska Stand Alone Pipeline (ASAP)

  • Environmental Evaluation Document (EED), including HSSE Management System and Policy sections

  • Revegetation Plan (developed in conjunction w/ ADNR Plant Materials Center)

  • Wetlands Compensatory Mitigation Plan

  • SWPPP / Erosion and Sediment Control Plan

  • Noxious/Invasive Plant and Animal Control Plan

  • Plan of Development (POD)

  • Addendum to the ASAP Plan of Development

  • Biological Assessment (ESA Sec. 7 Consultation)

  • Essential Fish Habit Report (Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Act Consultation)

  • Dredge Material Sampling and Analysis Plan

  • Dredge and Disposal Plan

  • Material Site Development and Reclamation Plan

  • Analysis of Potential Indirect Impacts to Wetlands Related to Buried Pipeline Construction 

  • Fugitive Dust Mitigation Plan

  • Segregation of the Surface Layer (construction techniques through varying permafrost vegetation & restoration)

  • Rationale for ASAP Strain Based Design

  • Draft Migratory Bird Conservation Plan

  • Marine Transit Plan for Gas Conditioning Facility (GCF) Modules

  • ASAP Gas Capacity

  • Clean Water Act Sec. 404/ RHA Sec. 10 Permit Application to USACE

  • Lands Compliance Reports to ADNR-SPCS and AMHTA (various)

Sr. Reviewer / Editor of AGDC Documents


Alaska LNG and ASAP

  • FERC Resource Reports 1 – 13 (Drafts 2 / 3) in Support of FERC NGA Sec. 3 Application, , prepared by Exp

  • Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC), prepared by Fluor/Worley Parsons / Exp

  • Nikiski Capital Dredge Material Characterization Report, , prepared by Exp

  • Nikiski Capital Dredge Material Characterization Field Execution Plan, prepared by Exp

  • Notice to NMFS: Evaluation of Potential Impacts from West Dock Modifications, prepared by Fairweather

  • Cultural Resources Management Plan (NHPA Sec 106 Consultation), Prepared by Corvus 

  • Programmatic Agreement (NHPA Sec 106 Consultation), Prepared by Corvus

  • State of Alaska / BLM ROW Applications prepared by AGDC Lands group for ADNR-SPCS / BLM

  • ASAP / Alaska LNG geotechnical and geothermal reports re: permafrost and thaw stable / unstable material 

  • ASAP / Alaska LNG Strain Based Design documents, prepared by AGDC Engineering for PHMSA (various)

  • ASAP / Alaska LNG Title 1 Major Source and Minor Source Air Permit Applications to ADEC (various)

  • Blasting Control Plan (ASAP), originally prepared By Michael Baker Jr. Corp.

  • Hydrostatic Test Plan (ASAP), originally prepared By Michael Baker Jr. Corp.

  • Denali National Park field assessment reports (various)

  • PSD Air Quality Construction Permit Applications for GTP / LNG facilities (prepared by J. Pfeiffer / SLR)

  • Minor Source Air Permit Applications – Compressor Stations and Heater Station (prepared by J. Pfeiffer / SLR)

Author of TempTel Plans, Reports, and Permit Applications

  • Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Trench Stabilization in Wetlands along the Parks Highway, AK following Winter Fiberoptic Installation. October 2020.

  • Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Trench Stabilization in Wetlands along the Tok Cutoff, AK following Winter Fiberoptic Installation. October 2020.

  • Plan of Development for Fiber Optic Cable Infrastructure Installation along Parks Hwy, MP 99- 231.

  • Plan of Development for Fiber Optic Cable Infrastructure Installation along Parks Hwy, MP 231-238 in Denali National Park & Preserve.

  • Plan of Development for Fiber Optic Cable Infrastructure Installation near Sourdough Creek, AK.

  • Plan of Development for Cell Tower and Associated Infrastructure near Sourdough Creek, AK.

  • Plan of Development for Fiber Optic Cable infrastructure installation along Parks Hwy, MP 99- 231.

  • ADFG Fish Habitat Permit Apln. for HDD of Stream Xings along George Parks Hwy MP 99 – 231.

  • ADFG Fish Habitat Permit Apln. for HDD of Stream Xing, Nenana River, Parks Hwy MP 231.

  • ADFG Fish Habitat Permit Apln. for HDD of Sourdough Creek, Copper Valley Telcom.

  • BLM ROW Application for Installation of Fiber Optic Cable Infrastructure on Federally-Managed Lands along George Parks Highway MP 99 – 231. 

  • NPS ROW Application for Installation of Fiber Optic Cable Infrastructure on Federally-Managed Lands within Denali National Park and Preserve along George Parks Highway MP 231 - 238. 

  • BIA Application for Installation of Fiber Optic Cable Infrastructure on Native Allotments along George Parks Highway MP 99 – 231.

  • ADNR Application for Water Withdrawl on State Lands for Parks Highway MP 99 – 238.

  • ADNR Application for Water Withdrawl on State Lands near Sourdough Creek, AK.

  • ADNR ROW for Placement of a Telecom Facility at Tahneta Pass near Eureka, AK. 


Sr. Editor of Consultant Reports - Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP) and Pebble Project Plans

  • ADEC Reports - quarterly / annual meteorology and air quality reports (delivered from PLP consultants)
  • 2013 Cumulative Baseline Data Reports: 2008-2012 data, all scientific disciplines. (Delivered from various consultants. The CBDRs were ‘Part 2’ of PLP’s environmental Baseline data set, following the 27,000+ pages and 50+ chapters of the Environmental Baseline Document, which described the 2004 - 2008 data).

  • Annual Technical Reports, all scientific disciplines. Delivered from various consultants in 2011 / 2012.

  • Freshwater and Marine Fish Mitigation Plan. Delivered from one of PLP’s marine and FW fisheries consultants.

  • Pebble Project Description Chapters


Author and Editor of Large Scale Planning and Permitting Work Products – Donlin Gold, LLC.

  • 2019 Environmental Obligation Register


Technical Contributor / Co-author to Alaska Pipeline Project (APP) Reports:

  • APP FERC Resource Reports 2 and 3

  • APP Draft Biological Assessment

  • APP Draft Essential Fish Habitat Assessment

  • APP 2011 Hydrology and Fisheries Reports: Stream Survey Permit Fish Completion Report, Lake Studies Permit Fish Completion Report, Fish Survey Report, Lake Studies Report; Hydrology Survey Report

Author of Qilak LNG Plans, Reports, and Presentations​

  • Analysis of Environmental, Regulatory, and Stakeholder Needs and Key Issues - Qilak LNG 1 Project.

  • Qilak LNG 2020 Permitting Execution Plan

  • Qilak LNG Permitting Master Schedule


Peer-Reviewed Literature
  1. Stevenson, K.T., A. Kliskey, L. Alessa., H.B. Raider, A. Pontoja, and M. Clark. 2014. Sustainable Agriculture for Alaska and the Circumpolar North: Part I. Development and Status of Northern Agriculture and Food Security. Arctic 67(3): 271-295.

  2. Stevenson, K.T., A. Kliskey, L. Alessa., H.B. Raider, A. Pontoja, and M. Clark. 2014. Sustainable Agriculture for Alaska and the Circumpolar North: Part II. Environmental, Geophysical, Biological and Socioeconomic Challenges. Arctic 67(3): 296-319.

  3. Stevenson, K.T., A. Kliskey, L. Alessa., H.B. Raider, A. Pontoja, and M. Clark. 2014. Sustainable Agriculture for Alaska and the Circumpolar North: Part III. Meeting the Challenges of High-Latitude Farming. Arctic 67(3): 320-339.

  4. Stevenson, K.T., L. Alessa, M. Altaweel, A.D. Kliskey, and K.E. Krieger. 2012. Minding Our Methods: How Choice of Time Series, Reference Dates, and Statistical Approach Can Influence the Representation of Temperature Change. Environmental Science & Technology 7435-7441.

  5. Alessa, L., M. Altaweel, C. Bone, A. Kliskey, W. Schnabel, and K. Stevenson. 2011. Alaska’s freshwater resources: Issues affecting local and international interests. Journal of American Water Resources Association 47(1): 143-157.

  6. Stevenson, K.T., K.M. Fitzsimmons, P.A. Clay, L. Alessa, and A. Kliskey. 2010. Integration of aquaculture and arid lands agriculture for water reuse and reduced fertilizer dependency. Experimental Agriculture 46(2): 173–190.

  7. Stevenson, K.T., I.G. van Tets, and L.A. Nay. 2009. The seasonality of reproduction in photoperiod responsive and non-responsive northern redbacked voles (Myodes rutilus) in southcentral Alaska. Canadian Journal of Zoology 87:152-164.

  8. Stevenson, K.T., I.G. van Tets, and D.Y. Chon. 2009. Making no bones about it: Bone mineral density changes seasonally in a non-hibernating Alaskan rodent. J. of Mammalogy 90(1):25-31.

  9. Stevenson, K.T. and I.G. van Tets. 2008. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) can accurately and nondestructively measure the body composition of small, free-living rodents. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 81(3):373-382.

  10. Chon, D.Y., K.T. Stevenson, and I.G. van Tets. 2008. Seasonal changes in bone mineral density in the northern redbacked vole; A potential model organism for disuse osteoporosis. Ethnicity and Disease 18(2) suppl. 1: 32-34.

  11. Nay, L.A., K.T. Stevenson, and I.G. van Tets. 2007. Seasonal changes in the reproductive organs and body condition of northern redbacked voles (Clethrionomys rutilus). Ethnicity and Disease 17 (Suppl. 5): 58-60.

  12. Stevenson, K.T., J.D. Mayfield, B.M. Barnes, and I.G. van Tets I.G. 2007. Seasonal changes in the bone mineral density of a non-hibernating Arctic rodent species: The northern redbacked voles, C. rutilus. J. of Bone Mineral Research 22:S227. 

  13. Stevenson, K.T. and I.G. van Tets. 2005. Using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to measure seasonal changes in the body condition of northern redbacked voles, Clethrionomys rutilus. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Journal 19(4):A190.

  14. Stevenson, K.T. and I.G. van Tets. 2005. Validation and use of dual energy X-Ray absorptiometry (DXA) to measure seasonal changes in the body condition of northern redbacked voles, Clethrionomys rutilus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 114A(3):S192.

  15. Stevenson, K.T., J.D. Mayfield, T.N. Lee, I.G. van Tets, and B.M. Barnes. Draft. Effect of hibernation on bone density in arctic ground squirrels (Spermophilus parryii) and American black bears (Ursus americanus). 

  16. Stevenson, K.T., A.M. Brennan, I.G. van Tets, J. Welker, and B. Cohn. Draft. Seasonality of body composition, visceral organ masses, and energy expenditure in the northern red-backed vole, Myodes rutilus. 

  17. Hetrick, J., K. Stevenson, and J. Davila. Draft. Reproduction and hatchery techniques for giant California sea cucumber in Alaska. 

  18. Stevenson, K.T., E.A. Lescak, C. Furin, A.E. Nagel, F. von Hippel, and I.G. van Tets. Draft. Effects of perchlorate and lake ion strength on calcified tissue in stickleback.

  19. K.T. Stevenson, I.G. van Tets, P. Deviche, A.S. Kitaysky, A. Bult-Ito, J.D. Anahonak, et al. Draft. Gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) activity effects on the Hypothalimic-Pituitary-Gonadal axis in northern red-back vole, M. rutilus. 


Feature Articles in Popular Press


Alaska Magazine

  1.  Stevenson, K. Fresh from the Tundra. ‘Alaska’. April 2009: pp.24-31. 

  2.  Stevenson, K. Green Housing, White Landscape. ‘Alaska’. Dec./Jan. 2009/2010: pp.33-44. 

  3.  Stevenson, K. Arctic Lessons. ‘Alaska’. March 2011: pp.32-39.    


Fish Alaska Magazine (“Tight Lines”)

1. Stevenson, K. “Spring Fishing for Lake Trout on the Upper Kasilof & Tustumena Lake”, May 2010, pp 26-29. 

2. Stevenson, K. “Summer Sockeye near the Russian River Falls”, June 2010, pp 28-33.

3. Stevenson, K. “Kings and Silvers at Ship Creek”, July 2010, pp 20-25. 

4. Stevenson, K. “Floating the Little Susitna for Silvers and Rainbows”, August/September 2010, pp 28-31.

5. Stevenson, K. “The Chena River”, Oct./Nov. 2010, pp 32-39. 

6. Stevenson, K. “The Fishing Hole”, Dec.2010, pp 28-33.

7. Stevenson, K. “The Lower Kenai River - From Skilak Lake to Bing’s Landing”, January 2011, pp 38-41. 

8. Stevenson, K. “Cooper Lake”, February 2011, pp 30-33. 

9. Stevenson, K. “Anchorage’s Lakes”, March 2011, pp 38-41. 

10. Stevenson, K. Mendeltna Creek”, April 2011, pp 34-37.

11. Stevenson, K. “The Eklutna Tailrace”, May 2011, pp 36-40. 

12. Stevenson, K. “Seward’s Beaches”, June 2011, pp 36-41. 

13. Stevenson, K. “Clear Creek”, July 2011, pp 30-34.

14. Stevenson, K. “The Lakes on Resurrection Pass Trail”, August/September 2011, pp32-36.

15. Stevenson, K. “Carter Lake”, Oct./Nov. 2011, pp 30- 35. 

16. Stevenson, K. “The Port of Valdez”, December 2011. 

17. Stevenson, K. “Kepler-Bradley Lakes”, January 2012.

18. Stevenson, K. “Ibeck Creek (a.k.a. ‘7 mile Creek’) and the Tsiu  River”, February 2012. 

19. Stevenson, K. “The Anchor River”, March 2012. 

20. Stevenson, K. “The Lower Kenai River”, April 2012. 

21. Stevenson, K. “Campbell Creek”, May 2012. 

22. Stevenson, K. “Jim Creek”, June 2012. 

23. Stevenson, K. “Quartz Creek”, July 2012. 

24. Stevenson, K. “Tangle Lakes”, August / September 2012. 


Last Frontier Magazine (“The Fisherman’s Corner”)

1. Stevenson, K. Fishing the Little Su. Vol. 1,. No. 3.

2. Stevenson, K. Fishing the Chena River. Aug. 2013. Vol. 1, No.4.

3. Stevenson, K. Fishing the Kenai River. Sep. 2013. Vol.1, No.5.

4. Stevenson, K. Foraging. October 2013. Vol 1., No. 6.


Founder’s Journal

1. Stevenson, K. 2010. On holding loved ones loosely. Spring, 80:27-33. 



1. Goffman, V. and M. Smith. 2009. Bering Sub-Sea Network Pilot Phase Final Report 2009 (Aleut Intl’. Association), CAFF Monitoring Series Report No.2. ISBN 978-9979-9778-8-9. (Gofman, V. and Stevenson, K., eds), 65pp.

2. Brattland, C. and V. Goffman. 2011. Development of an Arctic Indigenous Marine Use Survey Process: A Scoping Paper to Assess Possible Joint Efforts of PAME & Other Arctic Council Working Groups Recommendations for AMSA. (Stevenson, K.). 

Feature Articles


Alaska Magazine


1.Stevenson, K. Fresh from the tundra. ‘Alaska’. April 2009: pp.24-31.


2.Stevenson, K. Green housing, white landscape. ‘Alaska’. Dec./Jan. 2009/2010: pp.33-44. 


3. Stevenson, K. Arctic Lessons. ‘Alaska’. March 2011: pp.32-39. 


Fish Alaska Magazine (“Tight Lines”)


1. Stevenson, K. “Spring Fishing for Lake Trout on the Upper Kasilof & Tustumena Lake”, May 2010, pp 26-29. 


2. Stevenson, K. “Summer Sockeye near the Russian River Falls”, June 2010, pp 28-33.


3. Stevenson, K. “Kings and Silvers at Ship Creek”, July 2010, pp 20-25. 


4. Stevenson, K. “Floating the Little Susitna for Silvers and Rainbows”, August/September 2010, pp 28-31.


5. Stevenson, K. “The Chena River”, October/November 2010, pp 32-39.

6. Stevenson, K. “The Fishing Hole”, December 2010, pp 28-33.

7. Stevenson, K. “The Lower Kenai River - From Skilak Lake to Bing’s Landing”, January 2011, pp 38-41. 


8. Stevenson, K. “Cooper Lake”, February 2011, pp 30-33. 


9. Stevenson, K. “Anchorage’s Lakes”, March 2011, pp 38-41. 


10. Stevenson, K. “Mendeltna Creek”, April 2011, pp 34-37.


11. Stevenson, K. “The Eklutna Tailrace”, May 2011, pp 36-40. 


12. Stevenson, K. “Seward’s Beaches”, June 2011, pp 36-41. 


13. Stevenson, K. “Clear Creek”, July 2011, pp 30-34.


14. Stevenson, K. “The Lakes on Resurrection Pass Trail”, August/September 2011, pp 32-36.


15. Stevenson, K. “Carter Lake”, Oct./Nov. 2011, pp 30- 35. 


16. Stevenson, K. “The Port of Valdez”, December 2011. 


17. Stevenson, K. “Kepler-Bradley Lakes”, January 2012.


18. Stevenson, K. “Ibeck Creek (a.k.a. ‘7 mile Creek’) and the Tsiu River”, February 2012. 


19. Stevenson, K. “The Anchor River”, March 2012. 


20. Stevenson, K. “The Lower Kenai River – Ode to 2011”, April 2012. 


21. Stevenson, K. “Campbell Creek”, May 2012.


22. Stevenson, K. “Jim Creek”, June 2012.


23. Stevenson, K. “Quartz Creek”, July 2012. 


24. Stevenson, K. “Tangle Lakes”, August / September 2012. 


Last Frontier Magazine (“The Fisherman’s Corner”)


1. Stevenson, K. ‘Fishing the Little Su. Vol. 1,. No. 3.


2. Stevenson, K. Fishing the Chena River. Aug. 2013. Vol. 1, No.4.


3. Stevenson, K. Fishing the Kenai River. Sept. 2013. Vol. 1, No. 5.


4. Stevenson, K. Foraging. October 2013. Vol 1., No. 6.


Other Literature


1. Stevenson, K. 2010. On holding loved ones loosely. Founder’s 


Journal. Spring, 80:27-33. 

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