Major Clients
Full-time, Embedded (“Hat”) Contractor for:
ExxonMobil - Pt. Thomson – “Environmental Advisor” (2021 – Present). Filled ExxonMobil advisory roles for Regulatory Compliance, Lands, Wetlands, Water & Wastewater Resources, Waste, RCRA, UIC, Spills, Fish and Terrestrial / Marine Wildlife; Supported Community and Stakeholder Relations & Incident Management Team leads.
Qilak LNG – “Environmental & Regulatory Manager” (2019 – 2021). Managed Pre-NEPA Planning, Permitting, Environmental Studies, and North Slope Stakeholder Relations; Schedule & Cost coordinator; Program Oversight.
Alaska Gasline Development Corp. (AGDC) – AKLNG & ASAP – “Environmental Lead” (2013 – 2019): Project Mgmt. Team; NEPA Lead (EIS / SEIS), Environmental Lead - North Slope, Interior AK, & Cook Inlet; Permitter.
Project Experience
The following describes Dr. Stevenson's project experience with Axiom Environmental and previous employers.
Qilak LNG. Lloyds Energy. Dr. Stevenson serves as the Environmental & Regulatory Manager for the project, supporting strategic permitting and management efforts.
Nanushuk Project. Oil Search Alaska (OSA) / Coastal Frontiers. Axiom provided strategic planning support to Coastal Frontiers for an OSA North Slope permitting effort.
Donlin Gold. Barrick / NOVA. Axiom Environmental provides strategic permit compliance and planning support and fisheries adaptive management support to the Donlin Gold project.
CIRI. Axiom Environmental provides CIRI with environmental, wildlife, fisheries, and other resource-related support.
Utility Technologies, Inc. Axiom provided wetlands permitting support to UTI.
Alaska LNG Project. Alaska Gasline Development Corporation (AGDC). Dr. Stevenson served on the AGDC Project Management Team as the Environmental Lead for the Alaska LNG Project for over five years. Axiom Environmental provided management and technical support for AGDC’s Environmental, Regulatory, and Lands group. Axiom helped to advance permitting and NEPA efforts for the project.
Alaska Stand Alone Pipeline (ASAP) Project. AGDC. Dr. Stevenson served on the AGDC Project Management Team as the Environmental Lead for the ASAP Project, beginning in 2013. He provided management and technical support for the Environmental, Regulatory, and Lands group. Axiom Environmental helped to move the ASAP Project through the NEPA Process to achieve a Supplemental EIS in June 2018. Axiom also worked toward acquiring federal and state permits.
The Pebble Project. Pebble Limited Partnership (Northern Dynasty Minerals / AngloAmerican). Dr. Stevenson previously served as the Environmental Studies Manager for the Pebble Limited Partnership overseeing a broad and robust baseline studies program, as well as numerous impact analyses for different natural resources. He later provided contract support to the Pebble Project for report development and assistance with water quality tasks.
Alaska Pipeline Project (APP). URS Environmental and Regulatory Support Services; ExxonMobil / TransCanada. Dr. Stevenson served as a Senior Biologist / Environmental Scientist for the APP Project, assessing wetlands, vegetation, fisheries and fish habitat, marine and terrestrial wildlife, and water resources, authoring numerous reports.
Donlin Gold Project EIS. Support Contract - URS Environmental and Regulatory Support Services. Dr. Stevenson served as an editor / writer for the Donlin Gold Environmental Impact Statement, including alternatives analysis.
Alaska and Northwest NOAA Fisheries Science Center EA. NOAA NMFS. Dr. Stevenson supported a team of scientists to develop the Alaska & NW Fisheries Science Center Environmental Assessments (EAs).
Alaskan Agriculture and Food Security. University of Alaska Anchorage Resilience and Adaptive Management Program / University of Alaska Fairbanks Institute of Northern Engineering. Dr. Stevenson authored three peer-reviewed publications on the environmental, physical, biological, and social challenges to food security in Alaska through an NSF-funded program.
Arctic Indigenous Marine Use Survey (AIMUS) Scoping and Reporting. Aleut International Association. Dr. Stevenson was independently contracted by the AIA to carry out interviews, review data and develop a White Paper for Arctic Council (AC) working groups. The report was used to outline a proposal for an Arctic Indigenous Marine Use Survey (AIMUS).
Bering Sea Sub-Network (BSSN). Aleut International Association / University of Alaska Anchorage Resilience and Adaptive Management Program / University of Alaska Fairbanks Institute of Northern Engineering. Dr. Stevenson worked as a staff scientist, serving as an editor and statistician on the final Bering Sea Sub-Network Phase I Report summarizing the potential effects of climate change on subsistence species and harvests by coastal Russian and Alaskan communities.
Sea Cucumber Dive Fishery Enhancement. Chugach Regional Resources Corporation, Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery. Dr. Stevenson was contracted to consult for the Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery in Seward, AK to design and carry out a study of induced and natural spawning in captive sea cucumber. Work included study of life history, broodstock health, evisceration, mortality, and fertilization for potential outplanting in Southeast Alaska.
NSF Small Mammal Ecology Study. University of Alaska Anchorage Dept. of Biology / University of Alaska Fairbanks Institute of Arctic Biology. Dr. Stevenson carried out studies of the ecology and physiology of small mammals near Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Barrow. He co-authored successful funding proposals & peer-reviewed research publications.
Impact of Perchlorate and Lake Ion Content to Stickleback. University of Alaska / NIH-NIDDK. While working as a postdoctoral scientist for the University of Alaska Anchorage, Dr. Stevenson lead a collaborative project investigating the effects of perchlorate and lake ion strength on the physiology of stickleback fishes.
Black Capped Chickadee Monitoring in Interior AK. University of Alaska Fairbanks Institute of Arctic Biology. Dr. Stevenson contributed to an ongoing university banding and monitoring project assessing chickadee foraging behavior, body condition and corticosterone levels in Fairbanks, AK.
Integrative Aquaculture and Agriculture Project. University of Arizona. Dr. Stevenson led arid lands research in the area of integrative aquaculture and agriculture where he was tasked with solving problems related to water re-use, nutrient recycling, local hydrology, water quality, chemical analysis, contamination, turbidity, and fisheries health.
Additional Clients
Oil & Gas
Oil Search (OSA) – Sub-contracted to Coastal Frontiers (CF): Regulatory review, planning, and permit summarization for North Slope coastal & marine infrastructure.
Furie – Water permit support for Cook Inlet natural gas facility; ADEC coordination.
Donlin Gold (Barrick / NOVA): Permitting & compliance; Regulatory obligations; Freshwater fisheries impact studies; Fish & habitat vessel impact studies; Erosion study.
Pebble Ltd. Partnership: Water resources studies (also direct-hire manager; see below)
Alaska to Alberta (A2A) Railway: Alaska environmental lead; resource-wide data collection; permitting & lands / ROW support; water, fish, wildlife, & wetlands specialist.
Multiple Projects Containing Roads: Lands / ROW; Wetlands / waterbody crossings.
Alaska Native Corporations
CIRI: Environmental Impact Statement review - Environmental resources in Cook Inlet.
Chugach Regional Resources: Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery Sea Cucumber Dive Fishery Research & Enhancement; studies of life history and spawning for outplanting.
Aleut International Association1: Arctic Indigenous Marine Use Survey (AIMUS) – Interviews, data review, document development for Arctic Council working groups.
TempTel: Permitting, environmental, and geospatial planning support for fiber optic cable projects across Alaska; Plans of Development; Water Use Permits; Fish Habitat Permits; Wetlands Permits; BLM / NPS / BIA / ADNR land authorizations and ROWs.
Utility Technologies, Inc.: Wetlands 404 permitting and review; USACE interactions.
Commonwealth North: U.S. Arctic policy strategies, technical writing, and editing.